Software Development

We Love Software


    Languages :
    C, C++, C#, Node.JS, Python, Java

Software Development

We believe the customer should get what they need, we’ll do everything in our power to provide you with added value, testable code and simple programming models

Some of our favorite programming languages

C / C++ Considered as bare metal language at this time but without these languages we wouldn’t have the linux kernel, computer vision or machine learning. Suitable for high performance, low latency, real-time and constrained resources applications as well as MCU firmwares. C and C++ are not the same language though they share common attributes and modern C++ includes many features that were missing in the past such as easier object ownership management, threading, async and more.

Node.JS Based on Google’s V8 JavaScript engine, Node.JS is an amazing JIT compiled language while allowing simple, yet complete syntax which runs almost as fast as C++, It maintains its asynchronous nature and allows simple programming paradigms to create quick and feature complete server side code. While JavaScript is not typeless as some programmers consider, TypeScript is a complimentary extension that enables extended static code analysis and helps to prevent many mistakes and runtime errors.

C#, .NET Framework and .NET Core Microsoft has invested heavily upon these technologies and .NET Core is catching up fast toward its big brother .NET Framework. While .NET Framework was aimed for Microsoft Windows environment, .NET Core was designed for cross platform and cross architecture which allowed running the same code to run in other environments, including Docker and even Raspberry pi.

Python is a cross platform scripting language, while it is not a fast language, its simplicity makes up for it by allowing it to run almost any type of workload, newly famous for running Machine Learning models, Financial models, Computer Vision and more. The Subset MicroPython even allows execution of python code on select MCUs.

Java ‘s moto is “Write Once Run Anywhere”, Java has the largest library of software and is the most popular language among enterprises at the time of this writing and the most programmers that knows Java, most known for Enterprise and Android development.


While we truely believe in Scrum and Agile methodologies, we’ve discovered that following the rules do not always contribute to productivity, part of being Agile is being able to work in other methodologies as long as a few basic concepts are followed, design, test, integrate and review. These concepts amount to most of development time and each one has an important role in keeping a good pace and quality while reducing inherent risks.